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January 4 - Australia: Cairns

Another day off - so nice!

Phone Home!

We slept in again and planned to run errands today.  But before we left, I spent a half an hour on the phone with my friend Alicia (aka "Nubby").  Her husband's going to kill her when he gets the bill, but it was all worthwhile.  Nubby says that she feels like I write the journals for her everyday (Hi Nubby!), and she's actually up to date with the entries.  My mother, on the other, is about 6 months behind (bad Mom!).  Just kidding.  She's up to December, but I can't resist a little dig at her.


We spent the rest of the day running errands.  Not very exciting, but they had to be done.  We went to K-Mart to get Jon some navy shorts.  We also had to pick up a watch battery for Jon.  We went to "The Big W" for gas (Deisel for the truck).  This doesn't sound like it should have taken very long, but we didn't get home until 2:15.  I decided to dye my hair since I like being a blond while I have a slight tan.  I was done just after 3:00 and we decided to go back to the mall to catch the 3:30 showing of "The Fellowship of the Ring". 

Fellowship of the Ring

Jon has been DYING to see this movie.  He read the trilogy back in June and July and then gave it to me.  I got partially through the first book and got tired of what I thought we tedious little stories.  Jon kept telling me "Just stick with it until they get to Bree!", but I didn't have the patience for it and decided to sell the books at the next second-hand bookstore we came to.

Now, I'm sad that I did.  The movie was terrific.  Jon says that it was very true to the book, but they had knocked out all the 'tedious' stories that drove me crazy when I read it.  The special effects were splendid, and I definitely got into the plotline.  It was great.  I can't wait for the other two to be released!

Back at Home

The movie was 3 hours long, so we got home around 7:00.  I whipped together some "Chicken Enchilada Casserole" and we ate about 9:00 or so.  Then we read and went to sleep!  

Very exciting.

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